The Three Sisters, sandstone rock formations that are one of the best-known attractions in the region of Blue Mountains. It is really good place to visit because of the magnificent views, interesting trails, shops filled with art, crafts and antiques and most of all the fresh mountain air. I really enjoyed my one-day trip there.
We left NZ and we're on the way back to Sydney. We found a warm summer there - 80 F. Perfect weather for the beach and sunbathing. There is a big chance that I will return to Vegas with a nice suntan.
So for now I will take advantage of the sun and take the time to relax!"
One of the most remarkable places for me from that trip was Fiordland National Park. You really feel the power of the nature there. The only bad thing about it is the weather. The weather is extremely unpredictable & very often dramatic. Rain falls there more then 200 days a year (7-9 meters of rain a year). We were quite lucky - the weather was not perfect but it allowed us to do and see quite a few things.
The last day in NZ we spent in the neighborhood of Mt. Cook- the highest mountain in Australia (3755 m). The climb was really worth the effort . The view from it was absolutely excellent. On the way back, we stopped at the lake for a late picnic. The lake was weird; it had a totally unnatural but beautiful blue color - the effect is know as Blue Crash. Blue Crash is caused by glaciers melting and the water carries a special material which is now lying on the floor of the lake.
Quinstown was very interesting; Before 1962 the only way to get there was by boat. Now anyway you want is available. I had a feeling that the whole South Island of NZ is facilitated only for tourists (hotels, motels, and crazy things to do for those who have the courage)- it is very hard to imagine people living there full time. Anyway, in Quinstown we experienced Skyline Gondola ride and then did a long walk on Ben LomondTrack (1748 m). Not far from Quinstown is Glenorchy, with a lot of opportunities for walking, viewing a waterfalls and the amazing Valleys and lake.
Seeing and experiencing nature so close gives you a peace with yourself and the world. It seems like everything and everybody has their own place, the right one.
For these who do not know, The movie the Lord of the Ring was made in NZ. We were lucky to see some of these places and they are really beautiful. Skippper Canyon was one of them; there is a very narrow curly road and driving can be quite dangerous. Most of the car rentals companies do not offer insurance for that area. To experience it we had to take a off road tour. Quite exiting.
Another trial for a Tongoriro Alpine Crossing - unfortunately the weather was still not very good. We packed our bags and left for Wellingtonwhere we took the ferry to The South Island. Next destination- NELSON. Nelson was very nice for us from the weather point of view. There we did a 13 km walk called Abel Tasman Crossing. We had a truly wonderful time with a stop at the amazing beach for a picnic and short swim. After that we had a ride back with a Aqua Taxi, what was quite funny for me was the end of trip: the boat was taken from the sea by tractor and the last 2 km we spanded riding on the boat on the ground.
The next day we we were on the road to Quinstown. It was really weird driving on the left side of the road. I am not a fun of this.
On the third day of my vacation I was on my way to New Zealand. We landed in Auckland and then we made our way down to Taupo. Taupo is NZ's largest lake; but really it is just a hugh crater filled with water. This area is still active- how dangerous and how exiting :))) We stayed in The Oraki Village just on the edge of the lake (check out the view form our trace on photos below). This whole region of NZ has plenty activities to offer we chose a Riverjet Thermal Safari on Waikato River-a magnificent relaxing ride on the river, then a walk aroundOrakei Korako. Orakei is a Thermal Reserve where you can see boiling pools of mud & water, geysers and silica terraces. Very interesting stuff. On the return journey, we experienced "the iconic abilities " of the famous Hanilton jet with " a adrenaline ride adventure". It was fun but in the end I was sure that we had done a few too many 360 turns because my stomach really bothered me. After that, we needed to realax in the gorgeous scenery of the Huka Falls.
Yeah New Year!!! Hopefully it will be the best year ever. We were so exhausted by the last day that we decided to celebrate appearing 2009 the next day. The champagne was great! The weather that day complicated our plans- It was raining for most of the day and we could not do Tongoriro Alpine Crossing hiking. It was quite disappointing, but in the end the day did not finished badly. Thermal Walk with steamy hot mud pools dried out our tears :)))
Finally the vacation time is here. I really, really needed it. This year, I decided to go to Sydney Australia to visit my friends, who moved there for a year. But that is not all- we also planned the 10 days in New Zealand. When I landed in Sydney, I did not expect do much before we left for New Zealand- I had only two days... but it is actually amazing what I was able to see and do. I started the day jogging along the Coogee Beach, then lunch at the Dolylees' -Sydney's most famous seafood restaurant with an amazing harbor view, and then a relaxing walk in Watson Bay, South Head. You think that that would be enough, but no- in the evening I went to Marauba Beach to watch my friend and the other surfers fighting with the waves.
Next day was as busy as a previous one- pleasant walk along the Blackwaltle Bay, nice lunch, visit at the Kola Sanctuary (by the way not a very active or energetic animals :))) but cute) and in then some time on the North Beaches. Palm Beach exactly regardless of the season is always busy; people swim, sunbath, jog and ... surf... And it was a place also where I made my first attempt to surf and see if that could be my new passion. I was not able to get up on the board but it was still stunning experience to fight with the waves, just letting them carry me to the shore... I got beat up by the board quite badly at first, but no complaints - new experiences are always worth some sacrifices :)))