I just would like to tell you this:"Prague can be all things to all people. It's equal of Paris in terms of beauty. The history goes back a millennium. And the beer? The best in Europe." You just need to experience it. Here are some photos from my current trip.
I used to live 10 min drive from the Chech border. My Frinds and me visited Jawornik- small town in Chech quite very often; sometimes for a walk, sometimes just to go to eat something in its very popular restaurant- Taverna. I had to do it again :)
If you ever go to Poland, you have to visit Krakow. It has a really unique charm. With its special climate of culture and arts, this city truly teaches visitors the history of Poland and Europe. Krakow is a place you will keeep coming back to. each time to discover new objects of startling beauty. I know I do :).
Klodzko is a small town in south-west of Poland, not far away from the place I grow up. It is one of the oldest settlements in Silesia. Due to its strategic position Klodzko has a long tradition of fortification. Today, from the monstrous brick fortess, built in 1662, you can admire the whole town.