For some time now I have had the pleasure to work with Reiki Master Steve Murray on few of his projects. Steve Murray is a world renown Reiki Master and author of global best-selling series of books, Reiki, The Ultimate Guide, Vols. 1-5, as well as a DVD series featuring 25 healing programs on subjects such as Reiki Attunements, Cancer Guided Imagery, weight loss, relief from pain, fear, and stress to name a few. Steve also has produced six Reiki CDs for healing. Steve s Reiki Attunement DVDs, books, and CDs have been used by tens of thousands of Reiki students and Healers throughout the world.
For a few months, we were working on the designing of his latest book "Animal Psychic Communication plus Reiki Pet Healing". And finally it is here! If you are pet lover, you must check out this book.

If not, check Steve's other products on his website
Since the economy still is nor very good, great position to have a look at would be his latest DVD, to which I designed the cover,
"A Reiki Prosperity Attunement plus Subliminal Persuasion Programs to Increase Your Prosperity"

A state of financial well-being is the most common definition of Prosperity. If you have financial well being, you can pursue your life goals. If you are obtaining your life goals, prosperity continues. To quote Buddha, One is entitled to as much wealth as one wants, as long as it is earned fairly, without harming others. Just as bees collect honey without harming flowers. Most people would like to achieve prosperity, but are not doing so. And the worry and stress generated from this non achievement can cause a person to become physically sick.
You do not need to be taught in person to learn Reiki. With Steve Murray s Reiki DVDs and Reiki books you will be able to receive Reiki Attunements and learn Reiki at home at your own spiritual and healing pace. Steve s programs allow any person to receive Reiki Attunements and access Reiki teachings, no matter what their circumstances.
Great products!!!
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