Mopti, the town you cannot avoid, it is a necessary stop- off on your way to or from Dogon Country. The port of Mopti is the most lively and interesting port in the whole Mali, can be fun but at the same time very hard to handle because of the constant need to deal with people who are offering their services, or simply trying to sell you a souvenir, necklaces or just a postcard. Even if you do not want to buy anything you are not able to ignore them; one good thing- you can really increase your negotiation skills. Maybe somebody someday will decide to organize a special negation training at the port of Mopti :))
What is there to see at the Niger River? That is not a right question, the right question is what you cannot see at the this important river? You can find everything there and I literally mean everything from goats, to chickens, cars, stylishly dressed local women, kids diving into the water, fishermen, pirogues (boats), people washing their clothes, food, people drinking and etc. you name it...

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