Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Chiemi & Mark

Chiemi & Mark got married on Friday. What a fun and beautiful couple! Have a look!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Angels Park

This weekend I shot a wedding at the Angels Country Club here in Las Vegas. It's a new location for me... and everybody, who knows me, is aware how much I like new stuff... I wish I could do or experience at least one new thing a day. 
But .... coming back to the  wedding- Kelly was a stunning bride and she and Derek together were just great. Check out some photos from their special day. 

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Fashion Show

The taste of the Fashion show prepared by Saks Fifth Avenue. And of course I would not be myself if I would not try to photograph something more than the beautiful models in a stylish outfits... Check it out :) 

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Botanical Garden at the Bellagio - new exhibit

Below some photos form new exhibit at the Bellagio 
- "Spring Celebration Show”

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Photographing art

Today I would like to share with you a body of work of a wonderful artist I had a chance work with. Her name is a Jackie Nourigot and she is a self-taught painter and writer. I had an opportunity shoot her paintings for the new book she is working on. 

Jackie is not only a talented artist but also an amazing person. I encourage you to visit her website to know her and her art better. 


Below couple of my favorite paintings by Jackie Nourigat

Eve / Moon Haze

Hunted Hotel in Flagstaff

Have you ever wondered how strong your nerves are? Would you stay in a hotel which you knew is haunted?  These and any other questions sometimes are coming to my mind. Personally, I did not have a chance to stay in a haunted hotel but I had a chance to visit one for a short time. 
During my last visit to Flagstaff Arizona, my friends and I went to see one of  Americans Haunted Hotels - The Hotel Monte Vista. 

Being in the right place at the right time, staying up all night and  observing changes in the room - temperature, sounds and smells can all help your odds of a close encounter with a spirit from the other side of the world. But even then there are no guarantees you'll see a ghost. 

If you are interested in such a things you can read some facts on that topic on The Hotel Monte Vista website http://www.hotelmontevista.com.

Of course I enclosed a couple shots of the hotel and some photos of the scenery outside of the Flagstaff with  special mysterious effects. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Person I love the most... My Mamusia..

Without a doubt. I love photography and everything that is involved with it. But lately I am discovering huge opportunities and additional options in video. Movement and sound - two additional dimensions added to photography- that is an amazing window to new experiences. I have decided to have a closer look in this direction. Below you see my first trial of putting something together. 
This is a short clip about the person I love the most- My Mom. Two years ago she got sick and since then I have realized that life is too crucial and too special to be wasted.
Every year when I  visit Poland, I am creating a special photo book about her, and believe me if you care about somebody it is worthwhile to preserve their look and personality for the future. People are always changing but I always want to remember the best of them. 
This video is something new for me. Maybe not the best yet.
But , it is special and close to my heart.