Sunday, April 6, 2008

Hunted Hotel in Flagstaff

Have you ever wondered how strong your nerves are? Would you stay in a hotel which you knew is haunted?  These and any other questions sometimes are coming to my mind. Personally, I did not have a chance to stay in a haunted hotel but I had a chance to visit one for a short time. 
During my last visit to Flagstaff Arizona, my friends and I went to see one of  Americans Haunted Hotels - The Hotel Monte Vista. 

Being in the right place at the right time, staying up all night and  observing changes in the room - temperature, sounds and smells can all help your odds of a close encounter with a spirit from the other side of the world. But even then there are no guarantees you'll see a ghost. 

If you are interested in such a things you can read some facts on that topic on The Hotel Monte Vista website

Of course I enclosed a couple shots of the hotel and some photos of the scenery outside of the Flagstaff with  special mysterious effects. 

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